
About the Idea

Just a little bit about where I hope this thing goes, from here.
I set this up as an outlet for not only myself, but the people close to me. Getting artwork, photo's and ideas out to the public is a lot easier said then done. With a GROUP Collaborative each person will be bringing there own unique ideas, as well as there own group of friends to view the site. In turn, those viewers will get to see not only there friends work, but other associated artists work. I'm hoping this allows us to reach a broader spectrum of viewers.
Keep that in mind while you're looking through the blog, and if you find something you think a friend might like, email them a link, and keep the ball moving.
PhotobucketCertainly everyone isn't going to agree with ideas, or opinions, but its the diversity you will find on this site that WE hope will keep you coming back.

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